Explore the Wildlife at Delhi Zoo

Delhi Zoo, officially known as the National Zoological Park, is a vibrant and diverse habitat that houses a plethora of animal species from around the world. This botanical garden is situated near the Old Fort in Delhi, India, and spans over a vast area of 176 acres. Established in 1959, the zoo has since been a popular destination for both locals and tourists alike, offering a unique opportunity to explore and appreciate the rich biodiversity of our planet. Let’s delve into the wildlife at Delhi Zoo and discover the fascinating array of species it has to offer.

History of Delhi Zoo

Delhi Zoo has a rich history dating back to its inception in 1959. It was established with the aim of conserving wildlife and educating the public about the importance of preserving our natural environment. Over the years, the zoo has played a significant role in wildlife conservation efforts and has contributed to various breeding programs for endangered species.

Exhibits and Animal Species

Delhi Zoo is divided into various sections, each dedicated to a specific group of animals. Visitors can explore a wide range of exhibits, including mammals, birds, reptiles, and fish. Some of the most notable species that call the Delhi Zoo home include:


  • Royal Bengal Tiger: One of the most iconic and majestic predators in the world.
  • African Lion: A symbol of strength and power in the animal kingdom.
  • Sloth Bear: Known for its unique appearance and feeding habits.
  • Indian Rhinoceros: An endangered species that is native to the Indian subcontinent.
  • Himalayan Black Bear: Found in the rugged terrains of the Himalayas.


  • Peafowl: Known for its vibrant plumage and distinctive mating display.
  • Emu: A large flightless bird native to Australia.
  • Ostrich: The largest bird in the world, known for its speed and agility.
  • Golden Pheasant: Characterized by its colorful plumage and striking appearance.


  • Gharial: A critically endangered species of crocodile native to the Indian subcontinent.
  • Indian Rock Python: One of the largest snake species found in India.
  • Star Tortoise: Known for its distinctive star-like patterns on its shell.


  • Arapaima: One of the largest freshwater fish species in the world.
  • Piranha: Known for its razor-sharp teeth and predatory behavior.
  • Red-tailed Catfish: Recognizable by its long whiskers and vibrant red tail.

Conservation Efforts

Delhi Zoo is actively involved in various conservation initiatives aimed at protecting endangered species and preserving their natural habitats. The zoo collaborates with wildlife organizations, research institutions, and government agencies to support conservation projects both locally and globally. Through breeding programs, education initiatives, and research efforts, Delhi Zoo plays a crucial role in raising awareness about the importance of biodiversity and sustainable conservation practices.

Visitor Information

If you’re planning a visit to Delhi Zoo, here are some essential details to keep in mind:

  • Location: Mathura Road, New Delhi, Delhi 110003, India
  • Timings: The zoo is open from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm, except on Fridays and national holidays.
  • Entry Fee: The entry fee for adults is INR 40, and for children (up to 5 years) is INR 20.
  • Guided Tours: Visitors can opt for guided tours to learn more about the wildlife and conservation efforts at the zoo.
  • Facilities: The zoo provides basic amenities such as restrooms, food stalls, and seating areas for visitors.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Can visitors feed the animals at Delhi Zoo?

No, feeding the animals at Delhi Zoo is strictly prohibited to ensure their health and safety.

2. Are there any restrictions on photography at the zoo?

Visitors can take photographs for personal use, but commercial photography and videography require prior permission from zoo authorities.

3. Is Delhi Zoo accessible for individuals with disabilities?

Yes, Delhi Zoo is wheelchair accessible, with designated ramps and facilities to accommodate individuals with disabilities.

4. Are there any special events or programs held at Delhi Zoo?

The zoo organizes various events, workshops, and educational programs throughout the year to engage visitors and raise awareness about wildlife conservation.

5. How can visitors contribute to the conservation efforts of Delhi Zoo?

Visitors can support the zoo’s conservation initiatives by spreading awareness, participating in educational programs, and donating to wildlife conservation funds.

Exploring the wildlife at Delhi Zoo is not just a recreational experience but also an opportunity to learn, appreciate, and contribute to the conservation of our planet’s diverse ecosystems. Whether you’re a nature enthusiast, a wildlife lover, or simply looking to spend a day surrounded by the beauty of nature, Delhi Zoo offers a unique and enriching experience for visitors of all ages.