Top Tips to Prevent Sunburn at Orlando’s Theme Parks


Orlando, Florida, is known for its numerous theme and water parks, attracting millions of visitors each year. With its sunny weather and exciting attractions, it’s easy to get caught up in the fun and forget about the potential dangers of the sun. Sunburn is a common issue for theme park goers, but with the right precautions, it can be easily avoided. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the top tips to prevent sunburn at Orlando’s theme parks, ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience for you and your family.

Understanding Sunburn

Before delving into prevention tips, it’s essential to understand what sunburn is and why it occurs. Sunburn is a form of radiation burn that affects the skin, resulting from overexposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun. The symptoms of sunburn typically include redness, pain, swelling, and in severe cases, blistering and peeling of the skin. Prolonged exposure to UV radiation not only causes discomfort but also increases the risk of skin damage and skin cancer.

Top Tips for Preventing Sunburn at Orlando’s Theme Parks

  1. Apply Sunscreen:
  2. One of the most important steps in preventing sunburn is to apply sunscreen. Choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of 30 or higher and apply it generously to all exposed skin. Reapply every two hours, or more frequently if sweating or swimming.

  3. Seek Shade:

  4. While enjoying the attractions at the theme parks, make it a habit to seek shade periodically. Take breaks in shaded areas, such as under umbrellas or in indoor attractions, to give your skin a break from direct sun exposure.

  5. Wear Protective Clothing:

  6. Opt for clothing that provides sun protection. Lightweight, long-sleeved shirts, pants, hats, and sunglasses can help shield your skin from UV radiation. Some clothing brands offer UPF (Ultraviolet Protection Factor) garments for added protection.

  7. Stay Hydrated:

  8. Drinking plenty of water is essential for overall health and can also help prevent sunburn. Dehydration can make your skin more vulnerable to sun damage, so be sure to stay hydrated throughout the day.

  9. Plan Activities Wisely:

  10. Try to schedule outdoor activities at the theme parks during non-peak hours, typically before 10 a.m. and after 4 p.m., when the sun’s rays are less intense. This can help reduce your risk of sunburn.

  11. Use Hats and Sunglasses:

  12. Hats with wide brims can provide additional shade for your face, neck, and ears. Sunglasses with UV protection are also crucial for protecting your eyes from harmful UV rays.

  13. Avoid Tanning Beds:

  14. Prior to your trip to Orlando, refrain from using tanning beds or sunbathing excessively to “prep” your skin. These activities can increase your skin’s susceptibility to sunburn and skin damage.

  15. Take Breaks Indoors:

  16. Many of Orlando’s theme parks offer indoor attractions and shows. Take advantage of these opportunities to rest indoors and give your skin a reprieve from direct sunlight.

  17. Watch Out for Reflections:

  18. Water, sand, and concrete can reflect UV rays, increasing your risk of sunburn. Be mindful of your surroundings, especially when near water rides or pools.

  19. Check UV Index:

    • Before heading to the theme parks, check the UV index for Orlando. Higher UV levels mean increased sun exposure and a greater risk of sunburn, so adjust your precautions accordingly.


  1. How long does it take for sunburn to develop?
  2. Sunburn can develop within as little as 15 minutes of exposure to UV radiation, but symptoms may not be apparent until several hours later.

  3. Can I get sunburned on a cloudy day?

  4. Yes, UV radiation can penetrate through clouds, so it’s possible to get sunburned on a cloudy day. It’s important to wear sunscreen regardless of the cloud cover.

  5. What should I do if I get sunburned at a theme park?

  6. If you get sunburned at a theme park, seek shade immediately and apply aloe vera or a soothing moisturizer to the affected areas. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and consider taking a break indoors.

  7. Is it safe to use sunscreen on young children?

  8. Yes, sunscreen is safe for use on children, but it’s best to opt for mineral sunscreens with gentle ingredients for their delicate skin. Avoid sunscreens with fragrances or harsh chemicals.

  9. Can I still get sunburned while in water at a water park?

  10. Yes, water does not provide complete protection from UV radiation, so it is still possible to get sunburned while in water. Reapply sunscreen after swimming or water rides.

In conclusion, sunburn is a common concern for visitors at Orlando’s theme parks, but with proper precautions and awareness, it can be easily prevented. By following these top tips, such as applying sunscreen regularly, seeking shade, wearing protective clothing, and staying hydrated, you can enjoy a fun-filled day at the parks without the worry of sunburn. Remember, sun protection is not just a one-time task but a continuous effort to safeguard your skin from the sun’s harmful rays.